The Hobbit project illustration#2 WIP

I have started the second illustration for The Hobbit Project. It is still a work in progress and is taking longer than I would like because I have been sick lately. For this illustration I have chosen to show a portrait of Bilbo’s mother and father, Belladonna Took and Bungo Baggins. I imagine this double portrait was painted when they were young, perhaps shortly after they were married.

When I go to paint these two, I believe I will forgo the usual line work in the portrait itself to show it as a painting in this world. I am perhaps overthinking, but such is life… either that or throwing all caution to the wind and not thinking at all.

Admittedly, I have been apprehensive, perhaps even a touch nervous to move past the sketch phase. I am haunted by a portrait I gave as a wedding present about ten years ago, although it is safe to say I have improved since then, in skill and knowledge, also the materials I now use are far superior to those of the past. I have considered repainting it for them for an anniversary so I may stamp the ugly thing from memory. But I digress, I decided I would go into my Character Practice board on Pinterest, find an interesting face and practice first. This would also give me a chance to try out my new color palette

The page opposite are some notes I have taken detailing a rough estimation on how much watercolor paper it will take to complete my endeavor and if I keep going as I have been…. how long it will take. Which after I finished my estimating, I had a good laugh…..

Roughly 23 signatures of 928 pages front and back. (Of course this includes watercolor paper and a much thinner writing paper to keep down unnecessary cost and thickness) It will be anywhere from 6.5 to 7 inches thick including the binding… aaaaand drum roll please…. if this continues on as a side project in my sparest of time it will take anywhere from 11.5-12 years to complete. But what a thing it will be, and time flies. Who knows, some day I may be able to make it my main focus. But I am having a wonderful time with it for now.