Re-working the cover of my Sketchbook... Again.

As you might remember I wasn’t completely pleased with my sketchbook cover so I decided on a whim yesterday to start painting over the top of it in acrylic… I knew I held on to these paints for a reason. I’ve started on the first layer in the background… which is a little more blue than I want… but its a good place to start. It seems to me that it doesn’t matter what media you are using, it always looks more lively the more layers you have..

Although it isn’t quite the color I want, I do believe it is an improvement as all the little details are starting to come out of the background.

Although it isn’t quite the color I want, I do believe it is an improvement as all the little details are starting to come out of the background.

I do a little more whenever I have a chance. My goal is to finish this first layer on the background this weekend.

I do a little more whenever I have a chance. My goal is to finish this first layer on the background this weekend.